Thursday, February 7, 2013

A glimpse of Emily's classroom

Last night as we went to bed Emily declared that she LOVES school. I knew we'd get to this point and I'm thrilled. After just four months of Kindergarten back home Emily seems to be thriving in Year One. She likes being given tasks to do. She's making friends. Her reading is starting to take off. It's all very exciting.

Today we brought Pete the Cat in after school to visit Emily's classroom. We look forward to sharing these pictures and other stories with her K111 classmates back home. I enjoyed seeing Emmy's classroom space. The room looks bright and airy with very high ceilings. 

We also snapped some photos with Emily's teacher Mrs. Stone.

Emily's class enjoys a corner spot on the third floor. Check out the Opera House view from her large, sunny window! The other side looks out over the Anzac Bridge.

Some of you may be wondering how I spend my time now. It's only been a week so I'm still sorting things out. I grocery shop. I clean up back home. I enjoy coffee with other mums or I read a bit of my book. I walk all over town. Today I discovered The Book Nook - a sweet volunteer run second hand book store in the corner of a garden store. I helped a friend organize shelves and we talked about books. I can definitely see myself heading back there.

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